Saturday, November 10, 2012

Getting Specific - A Heart Like His

Some time later, David inquired of the LORD; Should I go to one of the towns of Judah?  (2 Samuel 2:1)

Can you identify time when you acted because of a hunch rather than the confirmed will of GOD?

For much of my life I acted and reacted on a hunch rather than the confirmed will of GOD.  It was this refusal to surrender my will that leads me astray and away from His perfect will. 
I was very easily turned off the path of what I knew to be right because of my own selfish inclinations. It was so easy to clutter my mind with all of my own desires and to push GOD aside. 

What did you learn during these times about patience and waiting and seeking His will?

When your relationship with Christ is what it should be, you are better able to make good decisions.  I have learned to ask GOD to help me put aside my own agenda, concerns, and desires and help me cultivate a deeper, more personal, and more intimate relationship with Him

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