Monday, January 28, 2013

How To Take Charge Of Your Difficult Day

Today is day twelve of daily devotions in the Love Expressed Fast.  Today’s devotional asks us to reflect upon crisis moments in our lives and your response to these moments.  Few would disagree that worship is important when we face difficult times, but is worship your normal first response? 

It is easy to worship God when the sun shines bright. It is easy to worship God when the bills are paid. It is easy to worship God when things are going well. What about during the hard times?  If you have some terrible thing happen, do you say thank you to God for it?

 There are times when worshipping God does not come easy because the difficult things in life overwhelm us and threaten to overtake us. We do not need to attempt to hide our sorrow and pain from Him when we come before Him in such circumstances. He knows our innermost thoughts.  Trust in GOD and know that He will use all things for eventual good. 

When I look back over my life it is quite clear that all the hardship in my life has formed me into who I am today. I have grown more mature, more spiritual, and wiser because of the many difficulties that I have experienced.

Are you going through a difficult time right now? If you are, what kind of attitude do you have? Is it a good attitude, one of thanks and praise to God, or are you ungrateful, cursing and complaining to God, blaming him, and ignoring the test? It is hard to go through tough times and have a good attitude. We can do it if we go on the strength of the LORD. Alone, we will become bitter, hard, ungrateful, and, in the end, in a place where God doesn’t want us to be.

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