Monday, July 9, 2012

From Youthful to Useful - A Heart Like His

Today is day two of my Beth Moore Bible study with "David 90 Days With A Heart Like His".  I wanted to work on this study this weekend but like so many weekends hubby and I were rushing around working on moving into this new home.

We did go to St. Joeseph's Catholic Church today.  the scriptures for mass were:

Ezekiel 2:2–5

As the LORD spoke to me, the spirit entered into me and set me on my feet, and I heard the one who was speaking say to me: Son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites, rebels who have rebelled against me; they and their ancestors have revolted against me to this very day. Hard of face and obstinate of heart are they to whom I am sending you. But you shall say to them: Thus says the LORD God! And whether they heed or resist—for they are a rebellious house— they shall know that a prophet has been among them.

2 Corinthians 12:7–10

Brothers and sisters:
That I, Paul, might not become too elated, because of the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, an angel of Satan, to beat me, to keep me from being too elated. Three times I begged the Lord about this, that it might leave me, but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me. Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and constraints, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

This passage held particular interest to me because I feel that at some level I can NEVER be forgiven for my sins, yet at some level I know that when you come to God and repent of your sins you ARE forgiven.  Last night I had a dream in which I felt that the doubts I was having were based on Satan trying to seperate me from God.  Yes I am week but with God I am strong enough to face the hardships and constraints.

Mark 6:1–6

Jesus departed from there and came to his native place, accompanied by his disciples. When the sabbath came he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished. They said, “Where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given him? What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands! Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house.” So he was not able to perform any mighty deed there, apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on them. He was amazed at their lack of faith.
So Samuel took the horn of oil, anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and the Spirit of the Lord took control of David from that day forward. (1 Samuel:13)

What's been the cost of not letting the Holy Spirit be in total control of your life: How have you noticed it the most?

I've paid a heavy cost for no letting the Holy Spirit be in control of my life. As a matter of fact I would say that there were long stretches in my life when I was the wreck you slowed down and craned your neck to see. My hubris led me to believe that I knew best when in reality it often fogged reality. I paid an awful price for my conviction that I was the best and only captain of my life.

Okay, then how could you change that? What do you think is really standing between you and a great future with God?

If you haven't realized that you are NOT the center of the universe, if humility hasn't removed the plank from your own eye, then you haven't really grown. I've been hit square in the face with reality and realize that I ABSOLTELY do NOT have all the answers. I am working towards being more receptive to God's message and less defensive about standing my ground at all costs.

How has God been working--all of your life--to prepare you for kingdom service What experiences, lessons, talents, or even hurts do you need to present to him for his use?

I have learned that much of my trials and tribulations have allowed me to be a good teacher. A teacher to whom students open up about the troubles they face so I can try to help them. I am more likely to try to reach out to a student who may seem like a lost cause because though I may have come across to some as just that, inside me was a child that craved to hear "I'm there for you. I know you can do it!"

I believe that God put the desire to teach in my heart. He created the pathway that allowed me to fulfill this calling. He gave me special talents and allowed me to learn great lessons from the hurts and experiences along the way.

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