Friday, May 30, 2014

So Whatever Happened To Melissa Dilan?

For those of you who were following the "craddle-snatching" love story of TJ Sinavage and Melisa Dilan-Hernandez here's the rest of the story.

The case of Melissa vs. TJ was adjudicated and she did NOT go to jail.  She did get married though to a man in the US Air Force.  (His name will not be released as he has nothing to do with the prosecution of the case).

Melissa and her new husband have moved about an eight hour drive from TJ making visitation very difficult.

 From my communications with TJ I believe that he would be the first to say that he has made a number of mistakes in his life.  If you are or ever were young once, I'm sure that you realize that missteps and bad choices are often a consequence of youth.

While I never met, knew, or spoke with Melissa her actions and words seemed manipulative.  She did not seem to make decisions from a mature vantage point. Let's face it Melissa had more life experience and should have been able to walk away from such a relationship once she learned TJ's age.  Instead, she insisted that TJ lie to others about her age because she knew it was LEGALLY wrong.

TJ acknowledges he was no angel but Melissa never saw herself as anything other than the victim in this relationship.  In the end it is the child that pays for the decisions that have been made.  That seems to be a point that some people forget.

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