Monday, December 7, 2009

Take The Bus

I feel kind of like I did when I lived in DC. I didn't have my driver's license until I was 25 years old. That's because I walked, rode a bike, took the bus or subway anywhere and everywhere I wanted to go. You see I cared about cutting back the pollution that my car might cause.

It appears that these world leaders and/or their representatives are skipping the bus. Why? Don't they care about the polar bears? Is it that their Co2 doesn't stink?

Besides loving any excuse to listen to the Beatles, I thought the video of the empty bus was very telling. Sort of like Al Gore and his private jet. Can we say sanctimonious?

In the meantime the debate lingers on. What debate you ask? I'm sorry didn't you hear the debate is over? Guess those scientists at the UN didn't get the memo. Maybe those scientists are flat earthers. Maybe they just don't care about the polar bears like we do. I mean after all if I want to prove something I ALWAYS use tricks don't you?

Has science really gotten into bed with advocacy? If it turns it back on global warming does that mean that science is in bed with big industry? I mean if I wanted to prove that there was abuse going on at Gitmo would I accept the fact that they "threw away all the data" thereby saying that the debate must now be over? Certainly no card carrying Liberal or Progressive would accept that but I wonder why using trickery, smoke, and mirrors would mean that there is no need to look at the man behind the curtain.

You see the method they were using, tree rings went OK until the sixties and then something happened. It sort of went horribly wrong for reasons that there are lots of papers on and we don't need to go into. (Wonder if any of those reasons involve global cooling)

Is there a manufactured consensus?

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