Monday, November 1, 2010

The Media Manufactures Anti-Republican Stories

Who would have "thunk" it? Imagine journalists seeking to manufacture news. I mean isn't that what they constantly accuse Fox of doing?

This is the latest case in which someone thought their cell phone had disconnected.

The transcript sent out by Miller’s campaign team reads:

FEMALE REPORTER: That’s up to you because you're the expert, but that’s what I would do....I’d wait until you see who showed up because that indicates we already know
FEMALE REPORTER: Child molesters...
MALE REPORTER: Oh yeah ... can you repeat Joe Miller’s ... uh ... list of people, campaign
workers, which one's the molester?
FEMALE VOICE: We know that out of all the people that will show up tonight, at least one of
them will be a registered sex offender.
MALE REPORTER: You have to find that one person...
FEMALE REPORTER: And the one thing we can do is ... we won’t know ... we won’t know but
if there is any sort of chaos whatsoever we can put out a twitter/facebook alert: saying what
the... ‘Hey Joe Miller punched at rally.’
FEMALE REPORTER: Kinda like Rand Paul.... I like that.
FEMALE REPORTER: That’s a good one.

Miller’s campaign sent out a transcript of a message accidentally left on a Miller aide’s cellphone Thursday that purportedly shows KTVA reporters talking about finding a child molester at a Miller rally and linking the candidate to them.

KTVA has confirmed the message is genuine but said in a statement that the message has been taken out of context. Sarah Palin, who has endorsed Miller, weighed in on the controversy, calling news station KTVA “corrupt bastards” on her Twitter feed.

In a measure of the controversy generated, CBS released a statement saying it does not own KTVA

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