Sunday, June 26, 2011

Walking Away A Winner

While I did turn $1 into $50 I think Darryl's more accurate when he says that we left a healthy donation at the Golden Moon. In the end though, I think it all worked out. We stayed two nights in a wonderful room, I had my fill of Alaskan Crab legs and steak, we rode in style, and we had the opportunity to see Sugarland in concert.

This morning we had $60 to spend on breakfast so we wound up going crazy ordering food to eat there and to take with us. Darryl and I were wrong when we said that we'd had the best steak in a long time at the buffet. In fact we had it at the Villa restaurant this morning.

The Villas is billed as casual dining anytime. Darryl and I would argue that we found this restaurant to be a very romantic setting for any meal even breakfast.

The trip home was pretty uneventful and I wished we'd been able to stay just a few more days.

This was an amazing prize and it turned out to be a wonderful way to celebrate our anniversary early.

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