Monday, October 4, 2010

Any Mother Would Put A Pillow Over A Babies Head

Oh my God! Oh My God! Oh My God! This woman is Virginia Ironside an advice columnist and journalist. Virginia has also written quite a few books. She also has some very "interesting" ideas as to what makes a good mother.

VOICE: And I think that if I were a mother of a suffering child, I would be the first to want I mean a deeply suffering child I would be the first one to put a pillow over its head. I would with any suffering thing and I think the difference is that my feeling of horror suffering is many greater than my feeling of getting rid of a couple of cells because suffering can go on for years.

VOICE: I'm sorry. I was just about to introduce the next guest, but that is a pretty horrifying thing to say.

VOICE: What?

VOICE: That you would put a pillow over a

VOICE: Of course I would, if it was a child I really loved who was any agony. I think any mother would.

PAT: It's about love.

VOICE: I think any mother would.

PAT: She doesn't even know what was outrageous.

VOICE: This would shock most people.

VOICE: I don't know any mother who wouldn't say if this was there was nothing else that could be done and it was

VOICE: That's just not true. That's just

VOICE: Do you think mothers would agree with you?

VOICE: I think a lot would. Maybe not any, but a lot.

VOICE: Dr. Peter Evans is from the Christian medical

Worthy of note, one of her books was: How to Have a Baby and Stay Sane (1989). Gosh, I wonder if one of her suggestions is smothering your child with a pillow.

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