Sunday, January 11, 2009

Atlanta Peach Sweepers

Steak with potatoes and vegetables

Today was an extremely busy day. Michael was leaving to go home. I had been so proud of myself because I didn't cry while he was here. Then when he was getting ready to go I hugged him and I just lost it. I know he said, "Mom please don't blog about me." He and his brother are used to me talking about them in class and using them as examples. I hope he doesn't mind that I shared with you what a fool I made of myself and I hugged the grown man, that used to be my small son.

My morning started early even though I woke up late. I had to go all the way to Walgreen's

Then it was on to CVS where I was able to buy three boxes of soyjoy bars. They're on sale for $6 but you get that $6 back in ECB's. I also bought my three boxes of Cafiene Free Diet Pepsi 12 packs. They were on sale for I was also able to get my 25 free prints that I had a coupon for. Of course they were almost all pictures of Michael. I also wanted to make sure I had pictures of my big win to bring to my sweeper meeting.

From there it was on to Kroger.

Well how is it going on the blog sweepstakes experiment? Well good news. I did receive a win of hand made soap from a contest I had entered before I began the experiment. So I was waiting to win something this year. Here it is, the 11th day of January and I won. OMG Cathy, what did you win? One of those video games? I know, you won one of those list makers right? Well I won't make you twist in the wind. I won the GymSoap giveaway. Interestingly enough I was notified that I will not be eligible to win a giveaway at Bloggy Giveaways for 30 days...but after that everything is fair game.

Want to know more about GymSoap? It is an antibacterial, antifungal body wash. Created with athletes and gym-goers in mind, it’s effective for anyone that might encounter germs, bacteria, or fungus on a regular basis. It kills harmful germs, bacteria and fungus before they have a fighting chance. Stop nasty diseases like ringworm, athlete’s foot, or staph infections before they begin. GymSoap™ has a neutral fragrance, is tough on germs, but gentle enough to use daily.

So this begs the question. Do I give up on the experiment or continue on to see if I win more blog contests this year than any other kinds. Originally I was looking to see how long it would take me to win a blog contest if I really focused on winning them. So now you know. What do you think? Should I keep it up to see which kind of contest I can win most from?

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